Machine Learning Jupyter Notesbook
Portfolio of ML projects using various ML applications.
I am an enthusiastic neuroscientist, currently making the transition into industry as a Data Scientist.
I got my PhD in Neuroscience & Psychology from the University of Glasgow.
I have a strong background in signal processing in neuroscience, neuroimaging and research, resulting in a two year senior clinical engineer position in a medical device start-up in Dublin, Ireland. Subsequently I was offered a Postdoc position at the University of Rochester.
My academic career has focused on trying to solve complex questions about how the brain processes information from the environment.
Using data collected from state-of-the-art neuroimaging technologies my research has used various computational modeling techniques based on machine learning applications,
signal processing and statistical analyses to investigate low-level acoustics processing to complex hierarchical language processing..
As my 5 year postdoc comes to an end, now is the perfect time for natural progression to start a new career path, one that was always the end goal. To move into industry as data scientist.
Recently, I have been acepted onto the Science to Data Science (s2ds) Programme, as a fellow. The fellowship is aimed at facilitating the transition from academia to data science. More info can be found here.
An intensive programme for PhD and Postdoc academics with the aim of accommodating the transition from academia to data science. The programme primarily involves the undertaking of a data science project to address a business problem in small teams,
in collaboration with an industry partner.
Portfolio of ML projects using various ML applications.
Semantic Context Enhances the Early Auditory Encoding of Speech.
Portfolio of reseach and EEG-BIDS conversion.
Preprint publication.